How We Help Our Clients

Tailored Treatments & Goal Setting.

Every athlete and active adult is different. Whether your goal is to run your first Spartan Race, compete in a Crossfit Competition, or just play with your kids outside, we make your progression plan specific for your life and your goals.

Durham Physical Therapy

Orthopedic & Sports Therapy.

We use a mix of modalities, soft tissue mobilization, instrument-assisted techniques, and dry-needling to prep muscles or relieve pain. We then help re-educate the system with sport-specific movement patterns, neuromuscular retraining, and loading principles to build strength. Dr. Christopher is also trained in Blood Flow Restriction Training, which has great strength gain implications.

Durham Physical Therapy
Durham Physical Therapy

Pelvic Health Therapy.

The pelvic floor muscles and adjacent structures can be assessed internally or externally to alleviate and manage conditions such as Stress Urinary Incontinence, Urgency Incontinence, Pelvic Pain, Low Back Pain, or Hip Pain. We help pregnant people stay active throughout pregnancy and prepare for birth, as well as advise and progress the postpartum population back to their desired activity level. We love to remind people the postpartum period never ends, and everyone is deserving of this care!

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