Frequently Asked Questions

Can You Benefit From Physical Therapy if You're Not Injured?

Totally! Physical Therapy is not just about treating injuries; it is also about helping prevent them! We cannot make you bullet-proof, but we can identify maladaptive and compensatory patterns in your movement that can lead to sport stopping problems down the road.

Do I Need a Referral?

NO! Athletes unknowingly extend their time to treatment by getting urgent care visits, orthopedic appointments, and expensive X-Rays after an injury, simply to be told to go to Physical Therapy.

As Doctors of Physical Therapy in North Carolina, you do not need a referral from another provider to come see us first. We are trained to screen for “red flags” or the “big stuff”, and can cut down time lost to start treatment.

Do You Accept Insurance?

No. Among the many benefits of being an “Out of Network” provider, your allotted visits, time of treatment, and procedural treatments cannot be limited by your insurance plan. This means we can provide the BEST care you deserve. Many insurance companies do offer out-of-network benefits; you are welcome to file with your provider, and we are happy to provide the directions to do so on an individual basis!

Another benefit of “out-of-network” care is that we can work on “Wellness” and “Performance Based Care”, which is not a reimbursed charge in traditional clinics. This means higher-level athletes who tend to have “nagging” injuries deeper into their training programs can start solving those problems TODAY.

Why Cash-Based Physical Therapy?

More Personalized Care, Faster Results. Insurance in the United States does not reimburse rehabilitative services as much as surgeries, medications, and other “quick fixes”. Due to these continued changes, clinics are forced to “optimize” their schedules, which means multiple patients and shorter 1-on-1 time with a skilled clinician. Long story short? You spend more visits, more time, and more money getting back to your sport due to less quality time with your primary care provider.

In a Cash-Based Physical Therapy practice, you receive 100% of your care from your experienced provider, subsequently leading to fewer visits, and you will never receive an unexpected bill with additional charges.

Can I Pay With my HSA or FSA?

Absolutely! We are able to accept HSA and FSA.

What Do We Do in Each Session?

It Depends! Every treatment package starts with an initial evaluation, based off your chief complaints or goals. Subsequent visits are variable based off your needs! Package prices are all-inclusive; whether it’s a movement screen, running analysis, pre-race programming, or simply educating you to be a smarter, better athlete.

What if I Have Medicare?

It’s Complex. Medicare is controlled by the US Government, which means they are very strict about what their users can spend money on. Because we do not participate in Medicare, we cannot perform skilled therapies with Medicare-age people. Please feel free to give us a call to learn more about how we can help through wellness care.

What are My Treatment Package Options?

1 - 8- 12 - 20. Packages are sold in single sessions, 8, 12, or 20 sessions; these numbers are taken from research on average rates of recovery, and years of treatment.

Your Initial Evaluation gives us an opportunity to learn more about you, and discuss what package is best for you based on your goals and needs. You do not need to make a decision until after your evaluation, so you can think over your plan of care!

Packages are valid for a year from the date of purchase and are non-refundable. Example: If you purchase a 12-session package on 4/30/2022, you have until 4/30/2023 to use any unused sessions.

Can You Do Dry Needling “Only” Appointments?

Yes? But… We can do Dry Needling Only appointments, however, we require an initial assessment to determine the appropriateness of this treatment. While we love Dry Needling and see many benefits from it, Dry Needling alone can be insufficient to treat some pathologies. Because all our appointments are 60-minutes, you can elect to use the majority of your time for dry needling, but we do not schedule explicit 20-30 minute appointments.